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National Service
Veterans UK

We provide free support for veterans and their families, including a helpline, Veterans Welfare Service, Defence Transition Services and injury/bereavement compensation scheme payments. Veterans UK is part of the Ministry of Defence.

Contact Number: 08081914218
National Service

Support for ex Army personnel who may be vulnerable, socially isolated or need support to live a law abiding life. We work with organisations providing veterans with specialist support, including health, housing and employment.

Contact Number: 08009177299
National Service
Veterans Gateway

Puts veterans and their families in touch with the organisations best placed to help with the advice and support they need. The Veterans’ Gateway service is the first point of contact for all Tri-Service veterans, and their families. Its expert content covers welfare areas: housing, employment, finances, living independently, mental wellbeing, families and communities, and physical health. Its unique support (both in the UK and abroad) is funded by the Armed Forces Covenant. And supported by charities and organisations and individuals, including the the National Health Service (NHS), the Government of the United Kingdom (GOV.UK) and the Ministry of Defence (MOD).

Contact Number: 0808 802 1212
National Service
Arthritis Action

Arthritis Action is the only UK charity giving hands-on, practical help to improve the quality of life of people affected by arthritis. We offer an integrated self-management approach, which looks at both the physical and mental health impact of living with arthritis. We support people living with musculoskeletal conditions through healthy eating advice, mental health resources, pain management techniques, local Groups, and exercise advice and resources.

Contact Number: 020 3781 7120
National Service
RNIB Living With Sight Loss

Join a Living Well with Sight Loss course to meet and share experiences with other people in similar situations, boost your confidence and get practical advice, information and resources. If you need someone who understands sight loss, we're here for you. Our free and informal Living Well with Sight Loss courses aim to help you increase your independence, boost your confidence and connect with others to share experiences. Through our sessions, you'll receive practical advice, information and guidance on organisations, products and services that are available to help you. You'll also have the chance to learn from each other's personal experiences and share top tips.

Contact Number: 0303 123 9999
National Service
Huntington's Disease Association

Provides information and support to families affected by Huntington's disease, and runs local branches and groups throughout the UK.

Contact Number: 0151 331 5444
National Service
British Wireless For The blind

Provide Radios and audio equipment specifically designed to be easy to use for people with site loss (must be over 8).

Contact Number: 01622 754 757
National Service
Wiltshire Farm Foods

Frozen meal delivery service – no contract - phone to request brochure and place order.

Contact Number: 0800 121 4233
National Service
Adoption UK

Support for parents of adopted children.

Contact Number: 0300 666 0006
National Service

Children and family court advisory and support service.

Contact Number: 0300 456 4000
National Service
Healthy Start Voucher Scheme

You’ll qualify for the Healthy Start scheme if you’re at least 10 weeks pregnant or you have at least one child that’s under 4.

National Service
HOPELine UK (Papyrus)

A service staffed by trained professionals who give non-judgemental support, practical advice and information to children, teenagers and young people up to the age of 35 who are worried about themselves, and to anyone who is concerned about a young person. Monday-Friday 10am-5pm and 7pm-10pm, and 2pm -5pm on weekends.

Contact Number: 0800 068 4141
National Service

Online support for young people with wellbeing and resilience. Text based conversation with qualified counsellor 12 noon to 10:30pm weekdays and 6pm to 10pm at weekends.

National Service
Carers UK

Has got an online forum for carers to communicate with other carers for advice and support.

Contact Number: 0808 808 7777
Local Service
Carers Plus

Support for carers of both children and adults, they also hold the home from hospital support contract. Still have an office in Northallerton.

Contact Number: 01609 780872
National Service

Learning disability helpline, 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday

Contact Number: 0808 808 1111
National Service
Calibre Audio

National charity lending free audiobooks to those who are print disabled, including over 3000 specifically for children/young people. Free postage/no fines.

Contact Number: 01296 432339
National Service
HOPELineUK (Papyrus)

A service staffed by trained professionals who give non-judgemental support, practical advice and information to children, teenagers and young people up to the age of 35 who are worried about themselves, and to anyone who is concerned about a young person.

Contact Number: 0800 0684141
National Service
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

For men under 35. Helpline (open from 5pm-midnight every night)

Contact Number: 0800 585858
National Service
CRUSE Bereavement Care

Contact Number: 0808 808 1677